? Booking Terms & Conditions - Phoenix Community Centre

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Booking Terms & Conditions


In the context of this Hire Agreement

(a) ''the Centre" shall mean the Phoenix Community Centre, Wern Road, Goodwick, Pembrokeshire, SA64 0AA.

(b) The hirer shall mean the person who has signed this Hire Agreement.

(c) The Premises shall mean the areas of Phoenix Community Centre which the hirer has agreed to hire.

Bookings and Payment

  1. All hire charges and deposits must be paid in advance, PRIOR to hire. Hire times must include set up time and clearing away time. (Please ask to see our hire charges listed separately).
  2. Provisional bookings will be held for 7 days only from date of enquiry.  If a booking form and deposit are not received within 7 days, the provisional booking will be removed from the diary without further notice.
  3. Block bookers hall hire charges will be invoiced on the first day of each month. Payment must be made within 7 days of the invoice date and can be paid by cash, cheque or BACs.  Single booking hall hire charges should be paid at the time of booking or at least two weeks prior to the event.
  4. In addition to the hire charge a returnable cash deposit of £100 must be made at the time of booking for family/private functions and block bookers. 
  5. In addition to the hire charge a returnable cash deposit of £50 must be made at the time of booking for children’s party bookings.
  7. Private hirers of the rooms for "one off" private functions/parties will be able to collect their deposit from the centre’s reception on either the Monday, Thursday or Friday evenings between 6pm and 9:30pm following their function/party.


  1. A notice period of 28 days is required before a cancellation is made.
  2. The Management Committee reserves the right to cancel any booking at its discretion, should they have reason to do so, and to change or amend the terms and conditions of hire at any time without prior notice.  We endeavour to honour all bookings and wherever possible will provide alternative arrangements.
  3. The Management Committee reserves the right to close the premises at any time for emergency or periodic maintenance and also when the premises are required for public elections or similar events. We will always try to give block bookers a month’s notice of closure.

Use of the Premises

  1. The closing hours of the building are 11pm Monday-Thursday, 1am Friday - Saturday and midnight on Sundays and Bank Holidays. All music and/or dancing MUST STOP prior to these times and must comply with the Indoor Entertainment’s Licence. The Centre holds a Licence to cover you to play music publicly whilst you are in the Centre.
  2. Hirers must leave the premises swept and tidy and all equipment and furniture should be placed tidily as required by the key holder. Setting up and tidying time must be included in your HIRE PERIOD.
  3. The hirer is liable for the cost of any heavy additional cleaning, should this be necessary, and also for any damage or breakages that may occur during the hire period. This cost may be taken from the deposit, prior to the deposit refund being given.
  4. All equipment hired can only be used within the facility and must not be removed.
  5. Any equipment brought into the building by the hirer must have passed relevant safety tests and be fit for purpose. Permission from the Management Committee MUST be sought before a hirer can bring in any equipment. Any accidents resulting from equipment brought into the building are the responsibility of the hirer.
  6. Bouncy Castles can only be brought in from approved suppliers. (Please ask for an approved supplier).
  7. The Key Holder will unlock the building at the commencement of hire and the building will remain unlocked until the end of the hire period.  The hirer should ensure that someone is present within the building throughout this period.
  8. The Key Holder is asked by the Centre Manager to wait for 15 mins only from the start time of your booking and 15 mins after your finishing time. Any late arrivals or late finishes will be chargeable. This fee will be deducted from your deposit.
  9. Applications are only accepted from persons over 21 years old.
  10. ALL RUBBISH will be disposed of by the key holder. Please leave in black sacks outside at the rear of the building.
  11. Approval for the use of the Centre premises by political parties shall be determined by the nature of the occasion.  Public meetings such as rallies will not be permitted.
  12. The premises shall be used for community purposes only and shall not be used as the hirer’s postal address.
  13. No alterations or additions shall be made to the premises without the written consent of the Management Committee and any such work shall be completed at the hirer’s cost and to the Management Committee’s approval.
  14. No advertising or publicity material will be displayed inside or outside the building without the prior approval of the Management Committee

Health and Safety

  1. The Key Holder will show the hirer all fire exits.  They will also explain to the hirer the fire procedures in place for the building. Please give the key holder your close attention when this is being explained to you. Fire safety notices are displayed in the building and written instructions are given to the hirer when a booking is made.
  2. The key Holder’s contact number will be provided.  Please take this with you if you have to evacuate the building. We suggest you key the contact number into your phone.
  3. Fire exits must not be obstructed in any manner at all.  It is the hirer’s responsibility to ensure that the fire procedures displayed in the building and verbally communicated to them are also communicated to their guests/clients.
  4. It is illegal to smoke inside the building therefore if you or your guests smoke you/they must only do so outside the FRONT of the building and cigarette ends must be safely disposed of in the unit provided.
  5. No fireworks (indoor or outdoor) are allowed.
  6. No hazardous liquid substances or items that may be seen as a fire or safety risk are allowed.
  7. No hot drinks should be present in areas where activities involving children are taking place.  Risk assessments should be carried out.
  8. It is the Hirer’s responsibility to comply with current Food Hygiene rules and regulations. Any outside caterer contracted by the Hirer, must also comply with current regulations.
  9. Hirers are responsible for their guests at all times whilst in the building.  Block bookers are responsible for ensuring their policies are relevant for the activity taking place and appropriately shared with their service users.
  10. Block bookers working with families and children must have safeguarding procedures and policies in place and practice. 
  11. Risk assessments are the responsibility of the hirer and as such the hirer needs to be satisfied that the space hired is safe and fit for purpose.
  12. Children should not be allowed in the kitchen.
  13. No smoke machines or any other equipment that may affect the sensors are allowed. If the fire alarms are triggered the fire brigade will always attend and hirers and all guests must evacuate the building.  If a false alarm is caused by the hirers, or their guests breach of the centre’s terms and conditions any related cost will be charged to the hirer. (This cost can be up to £1000)
  14. No betting, gaming or lotteries shall take place on the premises, except that allowed by law and the hirer shall obtain any licence or certificate required, prior to booking the premises for such use.
  15. The hirer shall ensure compliance with all the relevant legislation, orders and regulations, in particular, that relating to music, singing and dancing and the sale and supply of alcohol.
  16. If alcohol is present then the hirers are responsible for the action of their guests. The Management Committee does not endorse the consumption of alcohol if children are present, or if guests are driving, so this is at the hirer’s discretion.
  17. Hirers must not cause annoyance or nuisance to local residents or adjoining occupiers by the playing of unreasonably loud music etc. Young people (18 and under) must be supervised by responsible adults at all times during the course of any booking. There should be a minimum ratio of 1 adult to 10 young people. For young children there should be a minimum ratio of 1 adult to 8 children for children 3 - 5 years old. Parents should be present for all under 3 years old.
  18. Hirers who use any liquids substances, must check with the Management Committee first and provide the relevant COSHH sheets to the Management Committee.  This includes, paints, glues, cleaning products, etc.
  19. With the exception of assistance dogs, no animals will be allowed on the premises, unless agreed by the Management Committee


  1. Block Bookers’ Public Liability Insurance Certificates must be shown and a copy held by the Centre.
  2. The Community Centre’s insurance does not cover the hirer’s property and equipment. Items left or stored at the Community Centre are done so at the hirer’s own risk and the Community Centre takes no responsibility for any loss or damage.
  3. Please see separate listings for our hiring costs. Special occasions, such as New Year Bookings and Christmas Bank Holiday bookings will be considered but will incur additional charges.
  4. The Management Committee reserves the right to cancel the booking if the hirer breaks any of the terms and conditions.

Normal Opening Times

Monday 6pm to 9pm
Tuesday 5pm to 9pm
Wednesday 4pm to 10pm
Thursday 4pm to 9pm
Friday* 5pm to 10pm
Saturday* 9am to 6pm

* Fridays/Saturdays - Open up to 1am for functions/events

** Open for Rugby junior matches